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surwinman 发表于 2007-3-18 23:23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Swords (Fighter)剑术初级
Swords (Expert)剑术专家级
Swords (Master)剑术大师级
Two weapons双手使用武器初级
Two weapons (Expert)双手使用武器专家级
one not yet applied perk (don't ask me  !) 这个不知道
Big weapons大型武器初级(估计是双手巨剑、双手巨斧之类的武器)
Big weapons (Expert)大型武器专家级
Big weapons (Master)大型武器大师级
Crossbow (Expert)弓弩专家级
Crossbow (Master)弓弩大师级
Regeneration: restore health without rest 再生,无需休息回复HP的能力
Special damage against orcs 兽人必杀,对付兽人时有特殊伤害效果
Paladin: special damage against servents of Beliar 圣骑士神圣击,专门对付邪恶的贝利亚信徒
Fight with shield 盾牌使用初级
Fight with shield (improved) 盾牌使用加强版

Hunting 打猎技能

Archer 射术
Archer (Expert)射术专家级
Archer (Master)射术大师级
Hunter: special damage against wild animals (deer) 猎手(专门对付野兽)
Great hunter: special damage against beasts (lion etc.) 伟大的猎手(专门对付猛兽)
Sneaking: allows to sneak near animals 潜行(可以偷偷靠近动物)
Special damage against orcs 对付兽人的特殊技(似乎和战斗技相同?)
Skining 剥皮
Lizzard skining 剥蜥蜴皮
Remove teeths, claws, horns,... 拔牙、拔爪、拔角等


Necromancer: extra bonus to summoning magic 巫术师(强化召唤魔法效果)
Water mage: extra bonus to healing magic 水系魔法师(强化回复魔法效果)
Fire mage: extra bonus to magic of power 火系魔法师(强化魔法效果)
Druid: double time of transformations 德鲁伊法师(变形时间加倍)
Double defense of a robe  袍子的防御力加倍
One more learning point when reach a level 达到一定级别时增加获得的技能点
Fight with staffs 法杖战斗技能初级
Fight with staffs (Expert)法杖战斗技能专家级
Fight with staffs (Master)法杖战斗技能大师级
Mage can volley spells by staff 能够用法杖发射魔法

Blacksmithing 铁匠

Minig: double ammount while minig   采矿收获加倍
Forging normal swords 打造一般武器
Forging ore swords 打造矿石武器
Forging fine ore swords 打造高级矿石武器
Improving armor 加强防具


Malicious murder: player can kill enemy from behind by a dagger 背刺
Player can knock down the enemy 击倒敌人
Bargaining: Player will get more money during shoping 讨价还价
Easy pickpocketing 偷窃初级
Expert pickpocketing 偷窃专家级
Impossible pickpocketing 偷窃大师级
Thief Master: player can tottaly rob the NPC 偷窃宗师
Opennig locks 开锁初级
Opennig locks (Expert)开锁专家级
Opennig locks (Impossible) 开锁大师级


Brew healing potions 补HP药
Brew mana potions 补MP药
Posioning of weapons 武器淬毒
Poisoned arrows 箭矢淬毒
Fire arrows 火箭
Exploding arrows 爆炸箭 (这回弓箭手终于强化了不少)
Brew potions with permament effect 永久加属性的药水
Brew transformation potions 变形药水

Other 其他

Resistance against weakness  弱点抗力?
Resistance against potions 药剂抗力
Resistance against heat / fire 抗热(沙漠地带适应)、抗火
Resistance against frost 抗寒
Stamina of wolf: player can sprint longe  狼之精力(能够长时间奔跑)
Acrobacy 特技(1代、2代加强版的老花头,超级跳跃)
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