自Google宣布他们即将开发自己的操作系统Chrome OS以来,互联网上关于ChromeOS的真新闻、假新闻频频爆出,给无数Google爱好者在期待之中增添一丝激情。然而,从最近两天Chromium的开发进度上来看,ChromeOS已经正式开始拉开序幕了,最近几个版本的Chromium浏览器中,处处可见Chrome OS的身影,看来Google官方也不甘寂寞了。 首先,在Build 23939和在For Linux的Chromium Build 23938的Changelog中,出现了这样的更新信息:
[Chrome OS] Adds support for injecting Corp cookies at startup To support single-sign-on for Chrome OS,we need a way to inject cookies into Chrome. In the case of sessioncookies, putting them into Chrome's cookie jar DB doesn't work. This CLadds a command line flag that tells chrome the name of a Unix pipe toopen, from which it can read said cookies. Eventually, I want toreplace this pipe-reading with an appropriate usage of DBus, but Chrome OS isn'tthere yet. This CL adds the appropriate infrastructure, though, and thePipeReader class can later be replaced with something that pulls thecookies off DBus instead. 其次,在最近更新的官方命令行列表中,我们也看到了这样的信息: #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // The name of the pipe over which the Chrome OS login manager will send // single-sign-on cookies. const wchar_t kCookiePipe[] = L"cookie-pipe"; #endif 随着时间的推移,相信我们将会看到更多的Chrome OS信息表现到Chromium或者Chrome的代码甚至浏览器中,下一次再看见这些词汇 ,就已经不是新闻了。 |