tianshanyunhai 发表于 2006-3-5 04:32:32



Larry已经开始在一家公司做暑期工作。他正在向李华抱怨工作上的问题。今天李华会学到两个常用语:swamped和to get axed。

LL: I've only been working there two days and I'm already totally swamped with work! It's unbelievable!

LH: Larry,你说swamped with work,是不是说你不知道怎么做这份工作?

LL: No, I know how to do the work. It's just that there is too much of it. To be swamped means to have too much work to do.

LH: 噢,我懂了,swamp一般是沼泽地的意思,你说swamped with work就是工作太多,好象陷进了沼泽地一样,让你觉得喘不过气。那他们到底给你什么样的工作?

LL: It's all relatively simple stuff like filing, typing, copying. It's just that there are piles of it and everyone wants it finished right now.

LH: 啊!归档、打字、复印都是很简单的事,可要是办公室每个人都要你做这些事,每个人都要你马上给他做,这确实难以对付。Larry,也许你该建议他们再多雇个人来帮你啊!

LL: I doubt that. Besides, I don't want them to think I'm lazy. I guess I just have to accept the fact that I'll be swamped with work for the rest of the summer.

LH: 真是的。一个暑假就陷在这些繁琐的工作里,太没劲了。我只想在暑假里轻松轻松。

LL: I was hoping to relax a little, too, but it doesn't look as though that's going to happen.

LH: 不过Larry,虽然你白天在公司里工作很忙,可是你晚上回到家可以轻松一下啦,因为你不必像学期当中忙于写作业或交报告!

LL: That's true, but I'm so tired by the time I get home from being swamped all day that I don't have the energy to do anything fun.

LH: 这你就跟我不一样了。我呀,再累也没有关系,只要一听到玩,我就精神百倍了。不过,Larry,我真希望能帮你一点忙。

LL: Oh, it's not your fault, Li Hua. I'm sorry for complaining like this.


LH: 嗨!Larry!你的暑期工作现在怎么样了!还是很忙吗?

LL: It's even worse than ever! The management just axed one of the other employees and now they're giving me all of his work!

LH: Ax不是斧头吗?你说你公司把那个雇员怎么啦?Axed?不是把他砍了吧?听起来好吓人的!

LL: To ax someone is to fire them. The other guy was really unreliable so management decided to ax him.

LH: 噢,我明白了,to ax someone就是把某人开除的意思。你真倒霉。公司把那个不可靠的人开除了,他的工作也就落在你头上。你们公司有没有考虑雇用新人来接替他的工作?

LL: I have no idea. In the mean time, I have so much work that I'm running around all day long.

LH: 你真可伶,每天忙得晕头转向的。也许你可以问问他们什么时候会雇用一个新人啊?

LL: I want to ask, but I'm afraid of getting axed, too.

LH: 你不过问问而已嘛!他们为什么要开除你呢?

LL: Well, I guess they wouldn't fire me, because I've been doing a good job although I'm swamped with work. I just don't want them to think that I'm lazy or that I'm complaining.

LH: 我肯定他们不会开除你。他们也不傻,知道你做很多工作,而且还做得很好。你要不说,他们绝对不会再顾一个人。这样不是省钱嘛!

LL: I guess you are right. I'm more likely to get axed for messing up rather than telling them I'm overworked.

LH: 没错。老老实实地告诉他们你太忙,总比你忙不过来,把事情搞砸了要好。

LL:Li Hua, you're so smart!

今天李华学到两个常用语。第一个是swamped,是指陷入大量工作,或其他什么事。另一个常用语是to get axed,就是被开除的意思。


今天我们来讲两个以fast这个字为主的习惯用语。Fast这个字有几个解释。这次节目就可以说明这一点。但是,fast这个字最普遍的意思是:快。我们先来讲第一个习惯用语。To play fast and loose. 从字面上来解释,to play就是:玩,fast就是:快,loose用在这里,它的意思就是:轻率的,不介意的。

要是说一个人play fast and loose,那这个人就是不负责任的,靠不住的,因为他对周围的人毫不关心。要是信任这样的人那就是大错特错了。To play fast and loose这个习惯用语往往用在男女之情方面。比如说,谈恋爱的一方对对方并不十分真诚,而只是想利用对方。这种情况就可以说是to play fast and loose。下面就是一个例子:

例句-1: I feel sorry for Mary - Jim has been playing fast and loose with her affections too long. Why doesn't she make up her mind once and for all, and just get rid of the man?



To play fast and loose这个习惯用语并不局限于描写男女之间的感情。它还可以用来指那些不择手段利用别人的人。下面这个例子是一个人在谈论某个高级官员的弟弟。

例句2: Gary played fast and loose with his brother's high office, raking in bribes from people who wanted favors from the government. It's a good thing the FBI finally caught him!




好,现在我们来给大家讲解第二个以fast这个字为主的习惯用语。Hard and Fast. Hard and fast是指一个很严格的规则,或者是在任何情况下也不能改变的行动方针。Hard and fast这个习惯用语最初是形容一艘脱离了水的船。船有的时候是因为碰到了石块,有的时候是为了维修而被停泊到干的船坞里而脱离了水。大家都知道,fast这个字一般是指行动得很快。而这里的意思是停在一个地方动不了了,意思恰巧相反。这就是学英语的困难之处。一个字有不同的解释。Fast 这个字要是跟friend这个字合在一起那就成了fast friend,意思是非常要好的朋友。不管怎么样,大约一百年前,hard and fast这个习惯用语刚开始出现的时候,它是指一个严格的政策,或者是一个严格执行的规则。


例句3: At our house there's a hard and fast rule against us kids hanging out downtown late at night. We all have to be home by ten o'clock. And no exceptions, either!




例句4: That country now has a hard and fast rule against a teacher taking money to raise a student's grade. It's not only dishonest but it's unfair to all the other students in the class.

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