tianshanyunhai 发表于 2005-12-3 17:49:23



今天早上Larry和李华和一对朋友Charles and Lisa约好一起打网球。李华会学到两个常用语:pumped和iffy.

LL: I'm really pumped about today's tennis match. How about you, Li Hua?

LH: 你对今天的比赛怎么啦?Pumped?你是不是在说你很紧张?

LL: No, I'm not nervous. Pumped means energized and excited. I'm looking forward to today's game because I think it will be a lot of fun.

LH: 原来pumped是很兴奋。对了,pump不是也有打气的意思吗?你是说你打足了气,跃跃欲试的意思。

LL: That's right! What about you? Aren't you pumped about the game?

LH: 嗯,我是很期待这场比赛,不过,我可不敢说我像你那样pumped. 我对体育没有象你那样感兴趣。

LL: Yeah, I guess I get particularly pumped about sports. If sports don't get you all that pumped up, then what does?

LH: 我呀,我是一谈起旅行就特别兴奋。I'm pumped about travel。只要想到要去旅行,我就非常兴奋。明年暑假,我计划要到温哥华去玩一个星期。

LL: You're pumped about going to Vancouver? What is there to do in Vancouver?

LH: 到那儿去干什么? 温哥华有很多美丽的高山。景色一定很壮观。还有那里的野生动物!我一想到有机会看到野生麋鹿我就特别兴奋。Yes, I'm pumped about going to Vancouver.

LL: Well, I guess people get pumped about different things. Personally, I don't get very excited about mountains and wild animals.

LH: 我知道,高山美景和野生动物对你来说没有太大吸引力。还不如在网球场上打球来得过瘾。

LL: Hey, tennis is fun and it's good exercise.


LH: Larry,刚才跟Charles和Lisa一起打网球挺过瘾的。对了,我差一点忘了问你,这个周末在麦迪逊广场花园有一场职业网球赛。你想去看吗?

LL: I don't know. It's iffy that we'll even be able to get tickets. Tickets for things like that sell out very quickly.

LH: 那倒也是,像这种热门球赛的票八成已经卖完了,所以你刚才说iffy,就是指我们“不太可能”买到票,是吗?Iffy肯定是从if 这个词来的。

LL: That's right. If something is "iffy",that means that it is uncertain or even a little unlikely.

LH: 要是用iffy这个词来形容什么事的话,那就是不肯定,不太可能。不过,Larry,我们还是可以试一试吗。没准运气好,还有票呢!

LL: Yeah, but even if I can get tickets, it's iffy that we'll be able to afford them. Tickets for games like that tend to be expensive, too.

LH: 你说门票可能很贵,我们可能买不起啊?Larry,也许他们有半价的学生票呢。我们试试看嘛,好不好?

LL: Sure, I'll call the ticket vendor this afternoon. But it's iffy that they have half-priced tickets for students.

LH: 没关系,如果真的买不到票,我们可以做别的事啊!如果我们不能去看职业选手打球,我们还可以找朋友去打嘛!

LL: Speaking of which, wasn't that last game fun? Do you think Charles and Lisa would play with us again?

LH: 对,跟Charles和Lisa打的最后一场是真好玩!

LL: But it's iffy that they'll want to play against us again.


LL:Can't you see? They were defeated by us every round. It's really iffy that they had any fun this morning.




今天我们要介绍给大家的两个习惯用语都有同一个关键的字。这个关键的字就是:Shoe. Shoe就是一只鞋子。要是多数的话,那就是在shoe后面加一个s,成为shoes。好。现在我们先来讲第一个以shoe这个字为主的习惯用语。Goody two shoes. Goody就是在 good这个字后面加上一个y。但是,goody跟good没有什么关系。Goody可以解释为:假正经,伪善者。Two shoes按字面解释就是两只鞋子。可是,goody two shoes跟鞋子毫无关系。

Goody two shoes ,作为习惯用语,是指那种故意表现得比别人更高一等的人。这种人给别人的印象就好像他们在道德品行方面都要比别人强。也可以说是自命清高,或者是自命不凡的人。


例句-1: I wonder how we can help Karen loosen up and be a little more tolerant of common human flaws. She's such a goody two shoes that all the men I know are afraid to ask her out on a date.


请大家要注意的一点是,尽管在goody two shoes这个习惯用语里是用的复数,但是,goody two shoes指的是一个人,因此前面需要用"a"。 要是你说:那个人是一个自命不凡的人。那你就应该说: That person is a goody two shoes。



例句2: It's true Eleanor isn't dating anybody steady right now. But don't get the idea she's a goody two shoes. She's not only smart and attractive - she's also a real fun person to be around.



在美国好莱坞,每个年轻演员都盼望哪一天能够一举成名。实现这一梦想的途径之一,就是在一个大明星突然生病的时候,被邀请去替代那位大明星来拍电影。“代替别人”就是我们在这次节目里要讲的第二个习惯用语。To fill the shoes. 大家可能已经猜出来了,to fill the shoes的意思就是:代替某人,把某人的工作和责任接过来。


例句3: Are you sure you're ready to fill John's first wife's shoes? Remember, she was a full-time wife and mother. But you're a full-time career woman with no experience taking care of kids.



我们再给大家举一个例子来看看to fill the shoes在日常生活中是怎么用的。这是一个办公室的主任。他正在为找一位副手而感到头痛。这是办公室里的一名雇员在说话:

例句4: Nobody else wants to work as hard as Helen did without a lot higher salary. That's why the boss is having a tough time finding anybody to fill Helen's shoes for the same money.

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